Council Tax


Council Tax Recovery
We appreciate that this is a difficult time for many of our residents and that the COVID-19 virus is having a significant impact on the economy.
Your Council Tax pays for our essential services that are delivered to all residents in the Council, so it is really important that if your circumstances have not changed that you continue to pay what you should, maintain your direct debit payments, or payment plan, as detailed on your bill. Thank you for your contribution.
If you are struggling to pay your Council Tax, we wanted to make you aware of the support available and how the Council can help you if you have been affected.
1. Make sure that you have claimed all of the benefits that you are entitled to. For working age families:
Universal Credit from the DWP
Council Tax Support from the Council
2. Get in touch with us. We would encourage anyone who is struggling, to contact us at so that we can ensure that you are getting all of the support that you are entitled to.
3. We may be able to agree to a special payment plan so that the Council Tax due for 2020/21 is split over 9 months, from July 2020 to March 2021, meaning that in some cases you will not have to pay anything until July.
4. We can also look at your arrears so that we consider everything you owe to us and avoid any extra costs or charges.